Domestic Violence Injunctions are technically called Judgments for Protection Against Domestic Violence and cover many different types of abuse including physical abuse, stalking, repeat violence, dating violence and sexual violence. Depending upon the type of abuse, the Court will require different forms and different criteria in order to grant a Judgment.
Conversely, it is not uncommon for a false Injunction to be filed against a parent which results in very serious consequences for the falsely accused. In order to defend yourself against a false Domestic Violence Injunction, it is imperative that you hire an attorney who is experienced in this field.
Talk to your lawyer at Marsh Family Law if you are in need of an Order or if such an Order has been filed against you, especially if minor children are involved.

Why Choose Marsh Family Law?

Serving multiple counties in Florida, Rose Marsh ensures accessibility and convenience for clients across a broad geographical area.
In cases where settlement isn't feasible, clients can trust in Rose Marsh's exceptional courtroom litigation skills to secure the best possible outcomes under Florida law.
With over 31 years of dedicated practice in Family Law, Attorney Rose M. Marsh brings a wealth of experience to every case.

Experience MattersMore than 31 years of Family Law experience in Central Florida
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