Collaborative Law is a process similar to mediation whereby parties settle their differences out of court. In a collaborative case, however, a team approach is used to facilitate a settlement. The team consists of each party, their respective attorneys, a neutral CPA and a neutral therapist. This team has a series of meetings in which all participants voluntarily disclose all information necessary to reach an amicable settlement of all issues.
This concept of using a collaborative approach can be a very successful, stream-lined approach if both parties are willing to cooperate and act in good faith throughout the process.
To learn more about the collaborative process, talk to your attorney at Marsh Family Law where your collaborative attorney can educate you more about this creative approach to settlement. Visit the Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida Website to learn more.
You can also learn more about the collaborative process by visiting the website of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals of which we are a member.

Why Choose Marsh Family Law?

Serving multiple counties in Florida, Rose Marsh ensures accessibility and convenience for clients across a broad geographical area.
In cases where settlement isn't feasible, clients can trust in Rose Marsh's exceptional courtroom litigation skills to secure the best possible outcomes under Florida law.
With over 31 years of dedicated practice in Family Law, Attorney Rose M. Marsh brings a wealth of experience to every case.

Experience MattersMore than 31 years of Family Law experience in Central Florida
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